from $275.00

My career has expanded eight years, from learning photography basics on Youtube, taking self-paced courses, to hiring career coaches. It’s taken me a mountain of resources and painful lessons to get to where I am today. I would love to help close the gap for other photographers to build their careers without taking as long or learning lessons the hard way like I did.

Choose from the three options below.

For the one-hour call, we’ll be able to discuss 1-3 topics.

The 4 Week Mentoring Program will receive four weekly one hour calls to discuss progress and explore different topics.

The In Person Mentoring Appointment will receive a 5 hour appointment to discuss anything from editing, pricing, marketing, and include a styled shoot for you to shadow, observe posing, and discuss any questions.

To set up a payment plan, please send an email to

Once your purchase has been made, you’ll receive an email with a link to schedule your calls or your in-person appointment.

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